My first painting…..

Hello fellow bloggers!! Hope everyone one is having a rocking life, OK, not everyone everytime has a rocking one, but whatever it is we all know that “nothing is permanent”.

But why we should we stick to something permanent?? like a permanent job, permanent city or a permanent hobby. Let us put our hands into everything that life has to offer.

Now, following that, even I tried to put my hands on new things and painted something for the first time ever!!!!!! There was a old 24 water colour cake panel with a tiny brush in my home which I bought a year back.

I went to the mart and saw those water colours at the book section and bought them , hoping to paint something and finally the moment arrived after one year…


The sun set or sunrise..(see it as you want)


I know it’s not that good, actually the sun didn’t come out so well. But, anyways, that’s my first painting…..



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